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15 Col Sheldon Lane
Pound Ridge, NY, 10576
United States


THE LIGHTS OF BROADWAY SHOW CARDS™ celebrate Broadway theatre. The stories and the storytellers, the art and the artisans, those who make it all possible and the community embracing it. Shows, actors, directors, writers, designers, and all else in the spotlight or behind the scenes who keep the theatrical world spinning.


We are currently offering 2023 (blue and gold stripe), 2022 (gold and orange stripe), 2021 (blue and red stripe), 2020 (red stripe), 2019 (purple stripe), Autumn 2018 (blue stripe), Spring 2018 (green), Megamix (black), and Autumn 2017 (orange) packs! Summer 2015 (black) packs, Autumn 2015 (blue) packs, Spring 2016 (yellow), Autumn 2016 (red), and Spring 2017 (purple) packs are officially sold out.

Collect! Trade! Break a leg!

Autumn 2017 36-Pack Box: 36 Packs including one Super Rare


Autumn 2017 36-Pack Box: 36 Packs including one Super Rare


As The Lights of Broadway Show Cards reach more folks across the country, we've created packaging that will make it easy to display our cards in venues big and small. Announcing the 36-Pack Box (formerly known as the CDU, or Counter Display Unit): a nifty Squigs-designed display box containing 36 well-sorted packs that are guaranteed to contain at least one Super Rare card amongst them. This CDU contains packs from the Autumn 2017 edition. If you're just getting started and your goal is to collect the whole set, this is a fantastic starter deal!

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